Chakra balancing retreat
A unique spiritual journey focus upon resolving emotional and mental blockages with Acharya Yogesh
A unique journey to dive deeper in the spiritual and mysterious journey of chakra and energy. This seven days unforgettable moments of life. Just relax , realign and rejuvenate with Acharya Yogesh.
Retreat includes
- Yoga
- Cosmic breathing technique
- Active meditation
- Laughter, dancing, hug and joy
- Chakra massage points
- Understanding and practical of chakra knowledge
- Deep connection
- Physical well being
- Emotional trauma release
- Mental relaxation
Why Chakra Balancing Retreat
- There is an increased demand for alternative healing in the world. In this century of consciousness, more and more people are seeking an alternative.
- With this course you will get all the theoretical knowledge and tools for your own chakra cleansing and healing. Tools to increase prana flow through the nadis, tools and practices to increase your healing power, practical practice sessions, understanding about western anatomy and yogic anatomy, fundamentals of yoga and the meridians, common disease and much more. This wonderful course gives the knowledge which you require to understand experience and influence your energetic makeup better and perhaps in time and with practice, the tools to help others.
- We are the soul as we live this life in this body. There is a constant exchange between these two layers of our being, the duality between gross matter and subtle energy. Ancient yogis and tantric have known these facts for over 10,000 years. All of our stress, tension, disease, anxiety and depression are the result of a disturbance in our energetic body.
- We offer this workshop to combine age old eastern wisdom with modern scientific knowledge.